Arrival (2016)

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  • mir1
    Re: Arrival (2016)

    You should watch Conatct as well, before watching Arrival.

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  • go0gle
    Re: Arrival (2016)

    I really enjoyed this.. probably the best film I've seen this year

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  • el presidente Highsteppa
    Re: Arrival (2016)

    Thanks for embedding that.

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  • feather
    Re: Arrival (2016)

    Embedded video for you.

    Loved the movie and after the show, people loitered around discussing it.

    It's well shot and cerebral and there's a nice emotional twist at the end. Not a lot of sci-fi films accomplish this level of intimacy in their stories and with the characters. It's almost anti-scifi in a way, completely unlike the overt CG and action-explosion porn we're used to seeing.

    My only quibble (only because I have to see the pros and cons in everything) is with the look of the aliens.

    But as a sci-fi fan I'm super glad at the acclaim this film is getting and what it's doing for the genre at the cinema.

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  • el presidente Highsteppa
    started a topic Arrival (2016)

    Arrival (2016)

    If you liked Interstellar, you're going to probably like this.

    It's one of the best movies I've seen this year, and it's an exciting continuation in the career of Dennis Villeneuve, who directed Incendies, Sicario and Prisoners. He's directing the Blade Runner sequel that comes out next year - and after seeing this, I'm supremely confident he'll deliver a very good sequel (unless the script is a complete clusterfuck, but it seems to be in good hands).