[ms] DJ Database


  • What is the [ms] DJ Database?

    The [ms] DJ Database is a growing collection of EDM-related DJs and Producers. Each artist profile contains relevant website links, photos, biographies, monikers, tagged threads in our forum, and more. Thread are tagged to the artists, which will then appear in a live feed on the [ms] homepage. Make sure you update your bookmarks to this page--it will always contain content related to all of your personal favorite artists!

    Your Favorite Artists
    Subscribe to your favorite artists! You can subscribe to an artist by searching for them in the [ms] DJ Database. A button exists at the bottom of their profile screen that will let you subscribe or unsubscribe to content posted about them by other [ms] members. When you subscribe to an artist, a live feed of their content will appear on the [ms] homepage.

    View all of your favorite artists by going to the [ms] homepage and checking the "Favorite Artists" pane on the right side of the page.
    Tagging Artists to a Thread
    To tag an artist in a new thread, there is a "Tag Artist" field in the New Thread screen. Type a couple letters of the artist's name, click search, then select the artist in the results to tag them. You can only tag one artist while creating a new thread, and multiple can be tagged once it has been created.

    Additional artists can be tagged to a thread by clicking the pencil icon in the Tagged Artist window while viewing the thread. You can only tag an artist to a thread if you are the thread's creator.

    Submitting a New Artist
    All members are encouraged to submit a new artist! When you submit an artist, you'll have access to edit the submission at any time if you need to update/correct the artist's information. You can submit a new artist by clicking here

    Please follow these guidelines when submitting a new artist:
    • Attempt to complete every field; search Google if possible. Don't submit an artist if you aren't willing to spend five minutes researching them!
    • Do not simply steal content from another website.
    • Use an official promotional photo where available
    • Grab bios from the artist's sites or associated labels where possible
    • Review all bios for formatting/pasting errors!

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